I burst into tears tonight as Dave showed me a piece of mail we received. I told you the story of how Lucy escaped and we got a ticket; well, the "fix-it" ticket we received said that we needed to bring in her rabies vaccination certificate within 10 days to get her licensed. I checked on the internet to find out more information; I was thinking that her rabies shot was not up to date and was looking for a clinic who gave shots inexpensively. In the process, I discovered that the first rabies vaccination lasted a year and the next one lasted 3 years. Great, I don't have to get her another shot. I also read that the fine for being late to license your dog was $15. So, instead of getting on top of it and digging through the boxes in the garage to find Lucy's rabies certificate and quickly take it to the Animal Shelter, I let it go for an extra 12 days. When I finally dug out the certificate and Dave went to take it in, they told him first of all, it was not current, but also, it was too late, we would have to go to court!
So for a few days, I have been thinking about this: I have never been in a court room in my life and my expectations are only formed from too many court room dramas. I have been repeating the date in my head so I will not miss it: December 2nd, December 2nd, December 2nd . . . . I figured that I would show the proof of licensing (once I obtained it) and pay a fine, around $30, not too big of a deal, right? Then, the letter shows up today stating that the "Bail Amount" for this offense is $765!! What!! I felt sick to my stomach and cried for quite some time. Not only does the money upset me, but I hate getting in trouble. I always have and to this day I am a rule follower for that reason. I was tempted to try to think of some argument of why this was not my fault or why I should be excused (I have 3 small children, I just moved here, ect, ect). But, maturity means taking responsibility for your own stuff, and this was my fault and if I had really made it a priority, I could have gotten it taken care of in a timely manner even though I do have 3 small children and we did just move here (and especially if I had known it might cost me $765).
Tomorrow, I am going to take care of the licensing and rabies vaccination (well, actually, I am going to wait until Wednesday because there is a $5 clinic that day) and Dave is going to call a lawyer/judge who he knows and who is currently helping us with our non-profit here. Hopefully, we will be able to get this cleared up and not loose $765 for a minor offense.
As I am writing this, I see a parallel to the rest of our lives. Many times we delay obedience until we know it will really cost us; and many delay until it is too late. Many don't realize the cost will be so severe for their disobedience. But, there is no excuse. When I thought about all the explanations and excuses I would bring before the judge, I realized how pathetic they sounded and how unlikely it would be for me to be given sympathy from a judge. I thought I would probably be better off sincerely taking responsibility for what I did and asking for mercy on the fine. One day, we will all stand before another Judge and the cost for our disobedience will be much greater than we could have ever imagined. For many, it will be too late. But, I know this Judge will hope that many come to Him before it is too late and soberly take responsibility for their offenses, knowing that there are no excuses or explanations to be made, knowing their only hope is for Him to be merciful. And He is, and He will be. I once heard an illustration that said Jesus is like a judge who judges your life and declares that you are guilty and the sentence is death. But, then He steps down from the bench, takes off his judge's robe, and lays it aside and says I will pay the death penalty, this one can go free.
So tonight, I ponder on this lesson. I do not blame anyone else or try to make excuses. I am just going before a greater Judge and thanking Him for His infinite mercy, forgiving a debt (of what cost I cannot fathom) that I could never pay. And, I am asking Him to give me peace in the midst of the dealing with this small debt, knowing that not even a sparrow falls to the ground without Him knowing, how much more is He concerned about me.
So for a few days, I have been thinking about this: I have never been in a court room in my life and my expectations are only formed from too many court room dramas. I have been repeating the date in my head so I will not miss it: December 2nd, December 2nd, December 2nd . . . . I figured that I would show the proof of licensing (once I obtained it) and pay a fine, around $30, not too big of a deal, right? Then, the letter shows up today stating that the "Bail Amount" for this offense is $765!! What!! I felt sick to my stomach and cried for quite some time. Not only does the money upset me, but I hate getting in trouble. I always have and to this day I am a rule follower for that reason. I was tempted to try to think of some argument of why this was not my fault or why I should be excused (I have 3 small children, I just moved here, ect, ect). But, maturity means taking responsibility for your own stuff, and this was my fault and if I had really made it a priority, I could have gotten it taken care of in a timely manner even though I do have 3 small children and we did just move here (and especially if I had known it might cost me $765).
Tomorrow, I am going to take care of the licensing and rabies vaccination (well, actually, I am going to wait until Wednesday because there is a $5 clinic that day) and Dave is going to call a lawyer/judge who he knows and who is currently helping us with our non-profit here. Hopefully, we will be able to get this cleared up and not loose $765 for a minor offense.
As I am writing this, I see a parallel to the rest of our lives. Many times we delay obedience until we know it will really cost us; and many delay until it is too late. Many don't realize the cost will be so severe for their disobedience. But, there is no excuse. When I thought about all the explanations and excuses I would bring before the judge, I realized how pathetic they sounded and how unlikely it would be for me to be given sympathy from a judge. I thought I would probably be better off sincerely taking responsibility for what I did and asking for mercy on the fine. One day, we will all stand before another Judge and the cost for our disobedience will be much greater than we could have ever imagined. For many, it will be too late. But, I know this Judge will hope that many come to Him before it is too late and soberly take responsibility for their offenses, knowing that there are no excuses or explanations to be made, knowing their only hope is for Him to be merciful. And He is, and He will be. I once heard an illustration that said Jesus is like a judge who judges your life and declares that you are guilty and the sentence is death. But, then He steps down from the bench, takes off his judge's robe, and lays it aside and says I will pay the death penalty, this one can go free.
So tonight, I ponder on this lesson. I do not blame anyone else or try to make excuses. I am just going before a greater Judge and thanking Him for His infinite mercy, forgiving a debt (of what cost I cannot fathom) that I could never pay. And, I am asking Him to give me peace in the midst of the dealing with this small debt, knowing that not even a sparrow falls to the ground without Him knowing, how much more is He concerned about me.
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